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In our communities, young African Americans face numerous barriers that can have long-term effects on their family’s financial health and well-being. Work Readiness Training University (WRTU) has been a long-standing conceptual idea within the Columbus Urban League established in 2019. In 2022, WRTU created a memorable and enriching experience for 350 local youth, ages 14 to 18. We have provided a reliable platform in our community to prepare and aid our youth in leveling the playing field and progress into to higher education, trade, and career success.
The WRT University Career & HBCU Experience (also known as Ready2Earn) is back but this time 365! The program will include in-person and hybrid career exploration and development programming. Youth ages 14-15 can earn up to $1,500 in stipends and incentives for completing project-based learning goals, skill development, and career exploration. In-person internships, paying $15/hour, are available for youth ages 16-19.
This opportunity to be enrolled into WRTU'23 is a highly sought-after experience like no other. For 3 years our youth has had the opportunity to engage in different actives, skill-practices and seminars that will prepare them for a future of higher education, work readiness, immeasurable personal development and growth while embodying the core values of the Columbus Urban League.
Your full admission into the WRTU Senior Class of Summer 2023 experience is Contingent upon your FULL participation, and completion of ALL pre-requisites.
We look forward to your involvement through-out the process which will include: 1 week of online participation in Freshman Orientation of Black Excellence, 4 weeks of Sophomore Class of Technology and Human Development, 1 week of online participation in Junior Class of Leadership Society, leading to 3 days at the WRTU Leadership Summit and then graduating into the WRTU Senior Class of Summer 2023 6-week experience.
Work Readiness Training University – home of the WRTU Panthers is waiting for you! On behalf of the trustees, administration, faculty, and staff, we extend a warm and sincere welcome and we look forward to welcoming you to the WRTU & CUL family.
If you have any questions, please contact us at wrtu@cul.org.