Message from the

Dear Friends and Partners,
It continues to be a privilege and honor to serve as the 8th President and CEO of the Columbus Urban League and the first woman to hold this position.
Since 2012, we have worked together to set objectives, achieve results and continuously raise the bar to ensure that Columbus’ oldest family advocate becomes an ever more relevant and effective force.
Our three core strategies empower the community and drive economic transformation, foundational education and family stabilization. We uniquely respond to the crises that trap families in poverty holistically, using intelligence, compassion, innovation and an understanding that comes only from having truly walked a mile in our client’s shoes. We distinguish ourselves with an array of signature initiatives dedicated specifically to serving African American men. We’ve gained the respect, confidence and support of funders, partners and those we serve because we deliver real results.
As the 2018 National Urban League Conference host site and as an affiliate ranking in the top 5% of 88 affiliates across the country, your Columbus Urban League deserves your support.
Please join us. When half of our city’s African American children live in poverty, we have no time – nor future – to waste.
Yours in service,
Stephanie A. Hightower
President and Chief Executive Officer

meet Management!

The mission of the Columbus Urban League is to empower African Americans and disenfranchised groups through economic, educational and social progress.

The Columbus Urban League is a premier customer-driven organization advocating to empower individuals and deliver transformational services with integrity, innovation and collaboration. We are committed to being the preferred provider to our families, communities, stakeholders and philanthropic entities.

Equity and Justice
High Performance